Thursday, January 04, 2007

Where to begin?

So I've been home an entire week now. Or, I suppose I should say, I've been away from home and back in Vancouver for an entire week now. The craziest thing happened when I got back, and that is that I felt hope. It's been a long freaking time since I actually felt hope. I mean, I can try to muster it up every now and then, but more or less I just feel abandoned to fate. Coming back here, however, I felt, for some indefinable reason, that this year was going to be my year. I made it through a week of work (returning to it the day after my plane got in at 11:30pm), using this sense of good things coming to fuel me. I just had two days off, which was nice, and now I'm back at work again. And the feeling seems to have abandonded me. Now, just because I don't feel it doesn't mean it's not there. Faith and logic, etc. etc. both dictate that you don't need to feel/see/hear something for it to exist, so hopefully this year will still be my year, but today is definitely not my day. I don't want to be here (work especially, Vancouver also to a lesser degree). Like I said to I'm not sure who when I was at home (I think it was Aaron), if I wanted to just work some random job for the rest of my life, I may as well come back to SK and do it there, seeing as that's where I'd rather be anyway. Aye, but therein lies the rub. I came out here in the first place so that I wouldn't have to work a random job the rest of my life. I came out here to be in a band. Maybe I'm just impatient because I don't know what's going on with that right now, seeing as one of my bandmates is in Spain and not returning until sometime next week, and she has all the details re: our pending record deal.

I dunno, I had a really good talk with Matt, and really, all of my closest friends (who are, by the way, all in SK, if not Dalmeny right now, with the exception of Yesse), and they just really encouraged me to continue pursuing my own music. And I've been pumped on that lately, which is good. It's something I'd like to do. I wrote down a couple "resolutions", if you will, as apparently things are more likely to happen if you write them down. One was to compose a setlist of my own material and perform it live sometime this year. I'm a little hesitant because it's a leap of faith of sorts. I mean, with the band you have the fact that there are all these different personalities contributing to fall back on in case people don't like it. But my stuff, well, that's different. It's ME! It's a lot more personal, and I suppose, vulnerable because of it. My friends seem to think I can do it, so maybe I should just shut myself up and sing. Maybe I have to. Because I wrote it down.

Anyways, this is basically just random venting I'm doing on my break, and I think it's working. I feel a bit better. I just want everyone back home to know that I love you, and that there's absolutely no way I would be the person I am today (or that I used to be, in a kinder, gentler time) without where I'm from and who I grew up with. I don't want to settle down in Vancouver. I'd like to come back home. And buy Dana & Zach's place (so please don't sell it until I can afford it!!!). And get a dog, and a piano, and, well, you know the rest.

Thanks guys.


At 8:32 PM, Blogger Dana said...

oh friend, good to see you're back... feelings... so fleeting really. I also swing from this is the best year to this year sucks... all in all though I have to say i would love to come and hear you play a set in fact I know this dream is for someplace in Vancouver, but after Vancouver than you should come here and just play a little at open mic nighta t Lydia's. Music and Saskatchewan!!! Could it get any better!!!

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What can I say? Nothing except that a thousand times over, I know. May it be real. May it be worth it. And may hope re-emerge from the darkness and rain to confirm that all that we dream of is not all in our heads.

At 7:08 PM, Blogger matty said...

you are missed brother. do the music. i'm glad to hear you are. maybe we can do a tour together again someday!


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