Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Anybody Have a Fisheye?

So I've been sitting on the computer for far too long now, pissing around wasting time into the wee hours, as I normally do (in The Screwtape Letters C.S. Lewis made this really great point about how Satan doesn't divert our attentions with great scandalous sins, but rather occupies us with crap that we're not really even into at all, but somehow get caught up in anyway - my habit of staying up late looking at nothing in particular on the Internet being one of those things) ... and I just went into the kitchen for a quick bite and something to drink. I popped my head into the living room for the heck of it and was greeted by what I consider to be a great sight - a whole bunch of random musical equipment, some empty Dr. Pepper cans stacked on top of each other (been on a kick lately) and some other dissheveled-looking odds and ends (a lamp with the shade slightly askew; my sweater bunched up on the couch, etc.). Yeah, that probably sounds weird that I think that's cool, but hey, I'm weird, ok? Actually, I was reminded of an essay I wrote for one of my dossiers in high school English class. I always used to find my messy room very fascinating as a teenager (I can just see Matt shaking his head right now), because I figured that were a random person or stranger to step in there, they'd get this quick glimpse of who I am. Well, for one, the fact that I'm not the tidiest person (now Matt's nodding), but you know, all the CDs stacked on top of each other, each case speaking volumes (at least in my opinion), the papers strewn about with half-written lyrics on them, an acoustic guitar propped up somewhere. I just thought it was neat. This was kind of like that. Oh yeah, anyway, I wrote this paper about that - something about the beauty of this sort of "chaos". I also mentioned something in the essay about when I saw this random chair under a streetlight when I lived in Drumheller for the summer, and Mr. Bartel seemed to think that was a bit more inspiring than my messy room, but you know, chacun son gout, right?

Well, moving on here, I just liked how that stuff looked. I mean, it's real. Nobody set that up (the scene I just witnessed in the living room, that is) - it just happened that way. And I thought to myself, "Dang, I wish I had a camera with a fish-eye lens so that I could capture this moment". It might just look like a messy room to some, but to me it means more. For one thing, I think it's a monument to a burgeoning music career. Someday someone (like me, for instance) could look at this hypothetical picture and think, "Dang, that's what the room Bella recorded some of their early demos in looked like". For instance, some of my favourite pictures in the entire world are the ones of Jason and Cloud and Wayne Everett in the studio with Gene Eugene on the inside of Starflyer's Fashion Focus record. I absolutely love those pictures. It makes me wish I had been there SOO bad. Granted, those were pictures of them in the "studio", but this sight at our place wasn't half bad, what with all the aforementioned musical gear in there. Heck, even my amp sitting outside my door at the end of the hall looks pretty hot. Makes me want to play it, or take a picture of it or something.

Wow. That's probably more than anyone ever wanted to know about what I think about messy rooms. I mean, not all messy rooms, but you know what I mean, right? Or maybe you don't. And maybe NO one at all cares, and even if so, I still wanted to write this and I feel satisfied for having done so. I think it probably has a lot to do with the fact that in my wasting of time this evening I was just reading Adam Duritz and Billy Corgan's blogs. That must be it.

Oh, and the bathroom smells really good right now. I think it might be the new shampoo Matt just bought, although I don't recall him taking a shower.

I guess that's it.


At 6:11 PM, Blogger Dana said...

hmmm, i wish you could come to my messy room and figure out stuff about me... next time you're in town I officially invite you to my messy room, and you can tell me what you see.. i think it would be so inspiring to hear what you see in my messy room...

At 4:37 PM, Blogger matty said...

hey! i take showers....

At 12:27 PM, Blogger steph said...

haha ^ oh matt

That sounds so intresting. I love it when you stumble on the perfect mess. It can hardly be defined as a mess though when its in that state.
That post was very nostalgic. Nice work

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Dana said...

Hey Cam - you should see our whole house...maybe you'd find some inspiration there. It's pretty bad right now.
Zach always leaves pop cans, papers and his tools lying around and I have to admit I'm not the world's best housekeeper, especially right now.
I'd be really interested to see your guys' place. You should write a song about the chaos...


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