Thursday, April 20, 2006

Well now, let's see...

Been a while, hasn't it? I don't seem to have as much time or desire to be on the internet as much lately. Kind of comes and goes in spurts. I'm here now, though, so I'll try to catch up as best I can.

1. Matt moved home at the end of March and I moved into my own place in Gastown, which is an area in downtown Vancouver. I'm pretty stoked to be living on my own, and I have to say that God totally hooked me up with my place. I'm paying really good rent for a place downtown, let alone my own place that has it's own bathroom (trust me, that actually is a big deal in this area). It makes things so much more convenient, and has cut my commute time in half, which is great. It's also really nice to live on my own (living with Matt was great too, don't get me wrong).

2. Just switched departments at the mountain where I work from Guest Services to Retail. I'm now a retail supervisor, which is cool in theory, but in reality so far I hate it. I only just started on Tuesday, so perhaps it's a bit too early to judge, but these have been some of the longest days of my working life (next to my time at McDonald's and HEL). Whereas the days used to breeze past, which probably had something to do with the fact that I basically just sat around and read a book or surfed the net, it's like I'm dragging a boulder everywhere I go in this new position . And this is no ordinary boulder, oh no! It's a time-slowing boulder. Ok, whatever, I just got off work and can't think straight, so feel free to ignore that. There are a few benefits, however, being a higher wage and a looser dress code. I'm now allowed to wear business-kazh, which is much nicer than wearing a dorky uniform everyday. I'm not sure that the pros outweigh the cons, though. I guess we'll see when I get my first cheque under this wage. Maybe things won't be as bad by then also.

3. Bella is going well. We're rocking it as a three piece now and I'm happy with the stuff we've been coming up with. Hopefully we'll have a record out by the fall. I'm excited to hear these new songs recorded. I'm also looking forward to playing some more shows.

That's about all I can muster right now. I think I'm going to pass out on my bed and try to ignore the terrible karaoke that the bar I live above hosts Thursday nights. Maybe my new Sherlock Holmes book will help me drown it out.

Until next time.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Dana said...

Good to hear what's up Cam. Glad the new place is great and hope the job gets better soon!


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