Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The weirdest thing about Sunny Delight is it's viscosity...

... I mean, what's up with that stuff? Why's it so thick? It's practically syrup. Tasty, though, but I did hear about some lady from New York that just loved it and drank so much that she turned yellow because of how much beta carotine or something she was injesting. Urban legend? You tell me.

So anyway, Bella practiced both yesterday and today, and on both occasions Matt and I had some random episode waiting for the bus on the way home.

Yesterday we got to our skytrain station and to our surprise our bus was still there, which it shouldn't have been, because we were about ten minutes late for it. We didn't question a good thing, though, and just jumped on. Once we got on the bus we realized that something weird was going on because the bus driver was standing in the entrance of the bus talking to some woman, and getting upset at her, saying something about how he had 20 years of first aid and was a life guard for ten years or something to that effect. Then he went outside and whistled at someone we couldn't see and yelled, "You! Get over here! Now!". Then some random army guy wearing a beret walked up. We were both thoroughly confused, albeit somewhat amused, when the guy next to us leaned over and explained as much as he knew, which was that this old guy sitting at the front of the bus was drunk and the lady the bus driver was talking to was concerned for him and had called an ambulance. Well, eventually the driver just left with the old dude still on the bus, which resulted in some interesting, although mostly unintelligible, conversation between the drunk guy and the bus driver. That's episode one (this is almost like Star Wars).

Episode two occurred tonight as we came home after practice. We were going to have to wait about forty-five minutes for our bus, so I decided just to ride the train down the line and then come back because it's warmer and more interesting that way, but Matt got off and waited at our stop. I went about four or five stops down and then came back (witnessing a miniature episode of my own at the stop I turned around at, with some dude watching himself dance in the window), and as I was getting off at our stop I some guy with the hilt of a light-sabre (I told you this was like Star Wars). You know those expensive toy lightsabers that came out this Christmas? Well, it was one of those, although the guy had apparently taken the "poly-carbonate", or some such thing, blade off - for what reason, I don't know. Well, this guy seemed pretty enamored with his lightsaber. When he turned it on it looked kind of like a blue flashlight, but if he waved it around (and believe me, he did!) it would make those lightsaber noises. So we were sitting there, waiting for the bus, and this lightsaber guy is talking to some other guy that's also waiting for the bus, telling him all about how he took the blade off the thing, how his friend makes six foot tall Transformers that actually transform and that you can drive around when they're in truck form, etc. And then he'd turn on his lightsaber and swing it around vigorously, making that lightsaber noise. Random.

Well, in other news, our practicing was in preparation for our trip to Toronto this weekend. The practices went quite well, better than I had expected, and I think the show should be a good one. It'll also be nice to get away for a while. Apparently we're doing a radio show out there again, the same one that we did last time we were in Toronto, which was lots of fun. Matt's taking off early, but the girls and I are staying until Sunday or Monday, I think, so it should be fun. Maybe I'll meet Avril Lavigne and break her and her boyfriend from Sum 41 up. I'm crossing my fingers!


Well, will you look at that. I just read Matt's blog and lo and behold he decided to detail our little encounters himself. So, if you want another perspective on what riding transit in Vancouver is like, click on the link that says "Matt" to the right.


At 9:04 AM, Blogger Jenna said...

Hey Cam
Kayden has one of those lightsabers. He changes it from green to red all the time and it glows and when you hit something with it it makes noises. It is pretty cool!

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have one of those lightsabers too. I got it free in from an energizer promo. Pretty awesome.


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