Friday, September 10, 2004

It was the worst of times; it was the worst of times.

Home from work early? Why yes I am, and thank you for noticing. You're such a good and thoughtful friend, Blog, despite that you're exceedingly evil in nature. Isn't that just the way?

Well, anyways, yeah, I left work early (after only one hour) because I feel like shite. I think I'm coming down with something, which is ENTIRELY inconvenient and badly timed (I mean, I want to have at least planned to get sick before it happens. Sheesh!), considering that I have to get this freaking recording done (and that pile of dishes on the counter isn't getting any smaller). Actually, I think that's at least part of the reason that I'm getting sick, as I've been under a lot of what the experts like to call "stress" lately. Or perhaps it's malnourishment? Ahh, the joys of being a starving artist (That's a joke. I'm just running out of what the experts like to call "groceries" at the moment).

Wow. Everyone, please feel sorry for me. I mean, after reading that last paragraph, how could you not? (I'm being entirely saracastic, of course... but you know, you gotta vent somewhere, right?)

In other news, I was just asked another random question by the new girl, Emily, at work today (she's the girl that asked me if I'm straight). Out of the blue she asked me, "Are you religious?". Pretty funny. Although that's not what I'd call it, I responded affirmatively to her question, so now she wants to have a "religion talk" at some point. She said that she loves talking to people about their religious beliefs and challenging them, and that her discussions tend to get quite heated. Should be interesting.

And alas, I should go to bed, or have a bath, or consume some vitamins, or perhaps some food. Maybe I'll be able to combine all that and have one great big "I'm going to get better" party! Hooray!


At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought the word 'blog' sounded a bit... obscure? Kind of reminds me of some massive goo, slurping up everything in its sloppy trail. Yes, I do realize that 'blob'.

xx m.


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