Sunday, August 22, 2004

O Holy Night

Today's itinerary*:

7:30 AM - Get home, go to bed.
11:00 AM - Have Jesse burst into bedroom bearing bag full of McDonald's Breakfast Bagels and demands to play NHL 2002
2:30 PM - Watch last half of The Exorcist with Matt & Amelia and cringe like a little girl
3:30 PM - Fall half asleep on couch, experiencing sensations similar to those had at Grandma's house as a child; have frequent interruptions of good vibes by random mental images of possessed girl from The Exorcist
4:30 PM - Give up trying to fall asleep on couch while listening to Brandtson CD and instead write new song
5:00 PM - Record very rough demo of said song
5:30 PM - Leave for Langley with Jesse to attend "Fire and Freedom" service at Christian Life Assembly church
6:30 - 8:00 PM - Try not to be overly cynical and pessimistic when witnessing familiar-yet-now-foreign Pentecostal church service at said church
9:30 PM - Return home from Langley to find Matt & Amelia half-way into Alien movie which you were to watch with them
10:00 PM - Try unsuccesfully to write intelligent email to Ruth Ann
10:30 PM - Go outside to sit on "porch" and smoke Menthol cigarettes and drink Mug Root Beer with Matt
10:45 PM - Hear loud screech from woman two doors down and proceed to eavesdrop on subesequent barely intelligible conversation between neighbour woman and her family
11:00 PM - Hear loud rustling coming from grapevines and lattice ten feet from current position
11:01 PM - Investigate loud rustling
11:05 PM - Have Matt retrieve flashlight in order to further investigate loud rustling
11:07 PM - Discover raccoons pilfering landlord's grapes
11:12 PM - Proceed to wake landlord up with loud shouts at raccoons
11:15 - 11:30 PM - Hunt raccoons with garden hose and attempt to spray them, all while in pyjamas and house coat
11:30 PM - Re-enter house and eat half of chocolate chip muffin
11:45 PM - Make blog entry
11:55 PM - Make mental note to write intelligent entry in blog tomorrow

*Note - All times are rough estimates


At 8:16 AM, Blogger matty said...

very humorous cameron. good medium in regards to your mood lately, of just "being" and not feeling.


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