Wednesday, August 18, 2004

It's a beautiful thing

Matt and I just finished unloading the last of our gear from the car after we arrived home from recording drums at the Hive today. What a good experience that was (the recording, not the unloading). I had doubts that we'd be able to record all eight songs that we needed to do in one day, but it went quite quickly, and not only were we able to record all the drums to these songs, we also got the majority of the bass done as well. Sweet! I'm also very impressed with the quality of the recording we got, thanks to our friendly neighborhood engineer, Colin.

It's amazing how much I enjoy being in the studio. I mean, sure, it gets a little tedious after a while, but still, it just feels like that's where I'm supposed to be. It's also great fun to be the one being recorded rather than the one doing the recording. In a sense there's a lot less pressure that way (although I suppose they weren't my takes we were recording today anyway, so it's easy for me to say "no pressure"). Speaking of which, Tiff did a great job. I'm very impressed with the result. You guys are in for a treat once we get the rest of this nonsense recorded. Should be out for November hopefully.

And now I must go to bed as I have to work tomorrow. Uggh. From one world to the other, just like that. I prefer the rock star lifestyle, definitely. Someday...


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