Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Last night ended up being a lot of fun, in retrospect. It was a really late show, unfortunately, seeing as we had four bands on the bill on a Monday night, the third band also having technical difficulties that took a while to figure out before they could continue their set. Everyone was really nice, though, and I think a good time was had by all, except that a lot of people left before we could even get on. Oh well, sometimes you play a show for one person (not literally, but you know, that one person makes it worthwhile), and this show was like that. There was the girl from France that we met ahead of time, and apparently she'd heard about us in France through Myspace and was really excited to see us live, because she's visiting in Montreal for four months. There was definitely a difficulty in communicating, though, as she was just learning English and I know next to no French, but I think we made due. At any rate, she came up after we were done and was really happy and kept telling me how glad she was to have gotten to see us, and how we should be more famous and she tour Europe, etc etc, so that was good. I'm glad she was able to make it. It fun to try exercising my grade 9 French a little bit.

There's another girl that came out to the show that apparently saw us a year ago or something in Vancouver, so she offered to let us stay at her place now that we're in her neck of the woods. Sounds like we're going to stick around here all day and drive out for Halifax tomorrow, which is somewhat of a relief, cos I was feeling like I needed a day off. Her apartment is really nice and I had an amazing sleep last night (just woke up at 2:30), and we get to sleep here again tonight, so I think I'll be well rested for the drive, which is fabulous. We're also going to get to tour around Montreal a bit tonight, so that should be good too.

Anywho, I think that's about it for Montreal. If I have time I'll post my impressions of the city after doing the touring around. Oh yeah, and as a disclaimer, I'm writing these posts pretty fast, hence bad grammar/punctuation, etc. My Internet time is a bit frantic these days.

Oh yeah, and if Jesse's reading this, I dreamt last night that you moved to Boston. Weird.


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