Saturday, October 20, 2007

Good Intentions

So I've been meaning to start journaling my tour experiences, especially now that I have my shiny new Macbook (that's right folks, I finally got it!), but thus far haven't had either time or compulsion enough to do so. Tonight is no different in the sense that I'm still not going to write anything significant, other than that I've decided to at least state my intentions of eventually putting something down about what I'm doing with myself these days, if only for my own reference in less inspiring times.

Yeah, so there you go. And might I add, whilst I have the fortitude to do so, that I'm really, really enjoying being on the road and playing music and experiencing new things and meeting new people. I really wasn't sure how much I'd like touring, but it turns out I love it. It also proved to me just how much the whole 9-5 day job thing was killing me, creatively. I can think of nothing more stifling to my creativity than having a 40 hour a week job that I'm a slave to. But, of course, this is just me, and should not serve as a reflection on anyone else, nor is it a general statement I'm trying to make about the working world in general. It just isn't my thing, when what I want my thing to be is music, and the aforementioned creativity that seems to have been so hard to come by for me for the last four years or so.

Hmm, not sure if any of that makes sense, but I think that I'll understand what I was trying to say when I read this in times to come. And I think that's about all I have left in me right now. I seriously need some sleep (not to mention a shower), so I think I'll retire and finish listening to my Noel Gallagher podcast, which is quite good, I must say.

Ok, well hopefully I have some time to just sit around and write about my experiences tomorrow. I feel like if I don't get on it soon, I probably never will, so there you go. I may not have a digital camera with which to chronicle my adventures, so the written word will have to suffice. Let's hope it actually happens.

Until then.


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