Sunday, October 21, 2007

So Much For Good Intentions...

Yeah, so it didn't happen. I had the time, and I suppose I even had the will to do some writing in here this afternoon, but alas I watched a bunch of videos of Noel Gallagher online. I think it was worth it, though, because he's hilarious. He's probably one of my favourite guys to watch an interview of. Look him up on Youtube and you'll see what I mean.

Well, I suppose there's no time like the present to get things started, though, so I may as well type until I get sick of it. I can't go for too long, though, cos I'm pretty tired and have to get up relatively early to catch our flight to Ottawa tomorrow.

Anywho, today was pretty uneventful. Got to sleep in (thank goodness), so hung around the hotel until about 2 or so and then went out with Tiff to grab some lunch at a diner down the street that had been recommended to me during the last trip. If you're ever in New York you should definitely check out Katz's Delicatessen on Houston in the Lower East Side. This place was the genuine article, and apparently a very popular joint, as it was extremely busy. I even got a taste of the New York experience I've been looking for the whole time when some dude and some black lady started screaming at each other while they were waiting in line to order. Apparently the lady thought the guy was threatening her, and the guy seemed to think she was a bitch (I kind of got that impression too)and they screamed at each other until security arrived and broke it up. The rest of the visit was fairly uneventful, save for the fact that a Pastrami sandwich (which Katz's is apparently famous for) was worth $15. I guess I was paying for the experience, too.

After that we headed back to the hotel after doing a bit of shopping and I sat in the lobby and watched Noel Gallagher videos, as I mentioned before. Char showed up shortly thereafter with beer, so we headed upstairs to the room and drank said beer and took funny pictures on my Macbook. We were hoping to see Spoon play tonight, seeing as we missed them on Thursday night, so we took off for the show around 10 after buying more beer and drinking it too. Turns out we must have just missed the show, but it was over by Times Square so we took the opportunity to walk around and see the sites. What an experience! That place is so crazy it made my head swim (the swimming may have been aided by the beer we had been drinking, but it was still a spectacle). Then we headed over to some restaurant in Chelsea that Tiff's mom had recommended. Good food, but not necessarily worth the walk or the money we paid. Whatever, it was cool.

And now here I am, rethinking my "journalling my experiences" strategy as it sounds pretty dry when I actually write it down. Oh well, I'm sure it's stuff I'd like to remember someday, so I guess I may as well, if only for my own benefit.

Yeah, and now I think I really will go to sleep. It's only 1:20 am Vancouver time, but that translates to 4:20 in New York.

At any rate, perhaps my Coles Notes versions of the preceding days in New York will be more interesting when I actually have time to put them on here.

Until then, onward and upward!


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