Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Ok, so we just played a show at a club called the E Bar in Guleph, Ontario. Definitely didn't know what to expect going to Guelph, but the venue was really nice and the promoter was great. She bought us all dinner (well, I didn't have any because I had just eaten at Taco Bell, but you know...), and even took us out for drinks afterwards. It was really funny, though, because she knew pretty much everyone at the bar we went to for drinks afterwards. As a matter of fact, the reason we went to this particular bar was because the guy we're staying with tonight (I'm in his house right now) was hosting some "music trivia night" there, and she asked us who it was and we were like, "Umm, Evan?", and she was like, "Oh yeah, Evan.", and totally knew who he was. Small town.

Anyways, the point of my post is that I think I like Guelph. The bar reminded me of Drumheller, but we dropped our gear off at Evan's studio, which was really cool, and now we're staying at his house (which he owns - he can't be any older than me), with hardwood floors and creaky stairs and the whole works. I can totally imagine myself living here. Kind of a little fantasy scenario, but if you've ever heard my song with "I lived in a house with hardwood floors", this is pretty much what I was talking about (I guess I should really give that song a title). Anyhow, I'm getting this Steve Reed-esque vibe out of the place and this guy Evan, in a way I can't adequately describe. I guess you'd have to be in my head to understand, but I know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, so that's that. We played Toronto last night, which was OK, but the best part was seeing Matt and getting to hang out with some peeps. We have the day off tomorrow, and then play London on Friday and Waterloo on Saturday. Should be interesting. After that it's Toronto again and then eastward ho. So far I've really been enjoying this touring business, for the most part, anyway, personnel difficulties notwithstanding.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I was out having a smoke with Evan on his porch and asked him how long he'd been here, etc etc. Apparently he's lived here all his life and has no aspiration to leave, despite that most of his friends have moved to Toronto (it's only about an hour away), and I respect that. Maybe someday I'll set down in a place like this. Besides, there was this really cute girl at the show tonight. You never know...


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