Sunday, December 19, 2004

And lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

What a full weekend I'm having... just got back from the Christmas train in Stanley Park, and it was SUPER! Totally got my train/Christmas fix there, but on top of that I'm going to see Polar Express in 3D tomorrow with Emily from work!!! Holy crap, does life get any better?

Anyway, this evening was pretty fun. Lot's of random stuff going around such as middle aged women sticking out of the top of limos singing with their poofy hair blowing in the breeze, random party-types carousing on the block, Bill Ranford, Brit rock, getting lost in Surrey on the way home, etc.

P.S. - Chestnuts taste like roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and apple pie. It's kind of a Willy Wonka thing. Weird. Extremely weird.


At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there cam-doug haha
this is steph anderson from good ol dalmeny.
I have NO idea how i stumbled on your blog...but i did. so here i am.
congrats on your new album! i listend to some of your stuff on that site and its really good. i miss you leading worship man. but yah.
by the way. iv never had chestnuts but ill take your word for it
i also have a blog though. you can check it out at if you wish.
God bless


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