Sunday, November 14, 2004

God is in the little things

I woke up tired this morning. I was tired all day. I was tired and in a bad mood this evening at the Stars concert (just ask Tiff). I declined the opportunity to go to a $100 music seminar for free this afternoon because I didn't feel like it. I didn't feel anything at all at the Stars show, other than perhaps discouragement at my own place in the futile nature of pop music. I left early with Jesse, who has to work at seven tomorrow morning, as he was kind enough to drive me to Brentwood station and save me a long train ride. I even had to ask him for a dollar, which he didn't have, because I only had one left after spending my other two for the ride out. Now I could have probably gotten away with not paying for the train ride, but I needed a ticket to get on the bus that takes me from the train station to our house.

And then as I walked up the ramp to catch the train, a girl approaching me asked if I needed a pass. Upon furter inspection, we both realized that we knew each other, and that, as a matter of fact, we'd both just left the same show. We chatted a bit and I mentioned that we're playing in LA on the 11th, to which she remarked that she'll be in LA at that time, so she's going to do her best to come. What are the odds of that, I wonder?

Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no romantic interest in this girl. None. But it was nice the way things came together on that ramp just outside Brentwood station.

God is in the little things.


At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad mood?! I've never seen you in a bad mood! (Although I'm sorry you were in a bad mood.) It's beautiful when the little things come about like that. Lately, I've been feeling my existence more and more in nature. I dig it. I don't dig not seeing you, though. I took some pictures of the drive out to Ridge for you! We need to hang out! Drive way the heck "out there" too! Aaaand, where's my CD? Let's do Taco Bell and PLANET XMAS on our breaks during the Christmas season: it starts soon.

xx melissa.


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