Sunday, March 28, 2004

Passion of the Songwriter

So here I am, 3:30 in the morning, and I've decided to indulge myself and come here to post my current thoughts on... life? Hmm, I'm not sure. Well, I was actually just wondering, as I was brushing my teeth before going to bed (it's strange how many songs and ideas have come to me while brushing my teeth, heck, while in the bathroom period, for that matter (ok ok, enough said, I get it )), uhh, anyway... I was just wondering what ever happened to me? Yeah, yeah, I can hear the sarcastic comments now. I know that's kind of a broad question, but more specifically, I was just wondering what happened to my passion for music and songwriting. I mean, I often say that one of the most important things in my life is music, and it does so happen to be what I'm planning on doing as a profession (God willing), so what happened to my love for doing it? I was just recalling the amount of time I used to spend writing songs and playing guitar while in high school. It seemed like practically every spare moment of mine was spent banging out some new tune based around whatever random lyrics I came up with while brushing my teeth the night before. It was a raw, almost naive passion that encompassed my personality, and literally, my being. It's just what I did. I mean, I still write songs, and obviously I'm in Bella, but it just seems as though I've lost that sense of... innocence?, or perhaps awe at the power of music? Ok, I'm babbling now, but seriously, what the heck? I mean, I'm not that old, so I shouldn't have to ramble on about the good old days.

I guess when it all comes down to it, it's a matter of priorities. Am I content to do what's merely "ok" as opposed to what would actually be good for me? Would I sooner sit on my butt and watch an episode of Star Trek (yeah yeah yeah, zip it) than dream up some new song that might very likely never reach the ears of the public, but would still be worth writing anyway? Time is life's most precious commodity, and I'm a firm believer that when all is said and done, we'll be expected to give an account of our use of it while we were on earth. Maybe I should resume doing what I know I've been given to do, and stop fooling around so much, but alas, it is so much easier said than done.

Ok, so now I'm heading off on a different tangent altogether. Another topic for another time, folks. To anyone that happened to make it through this entire post, I commend you. Such are my tired thoughts for this fine evening (or shall I say, early morning?). I think I'll go to bed now. Good night world.


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