Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Time For Bed

That it is, that it is. I think tonight might be the first night I'll be brave enough to turn the light off when I go to sleep now that Jesse was kind enough to swing by Walmart to buy me a vinyl mattress cover to handle my bed bug buddies. Apparently they don't like light, so I've been sleeping with the light on and a t-shirt wrapped around my eyes. Pretty ridiculous. This cover should keep 'em in their place, though. At least I really hope so.

So we've been in the studio for the last couple weeks, off and on, and boy has that been an experience. It sounds great and cool and all that, but it's really been trying. It seems like every time I come out of there I feel bummed and generally despondent. That kind of sucks. I think ultimately it's going to turn out really well, but it's hard going while we're at it. I'm never more acutely aware of my own sensitivities than when my creativity is challenged or questioned. I mean, the creative, "artistic", if you will, part of myself is probably one of my most initmate parts, and it's just really hard to have that criticized or challenged because it feels like an affront to who I am as a person. Tiff asked me on Sunday when we were in the studio why I always just "shut down" when my ideas are challenged. Good question. That could take some definite time and effort to figure out.

Like I said, though, I think that this will ultimately end up really well. It just seems like there have been a variety of obstacles to overcome in getting to where we want to be with this (if we even know where that is). Can you predict the success of a venture based on how much adversity you have to overcome to achieve it? If so, right now it seems like things could end up pretty darn good. Lord help us.


At 12:05 AM, Blogger Ruth Ann said...

Time for a new post . . .


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