Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So, just poking about on ye old Internet, and decided to check Matt's blog (which hasn't been updated in I don't know how long). This led me to then check my own, which, I must say, is in about the same sorry state. It is basically for this reason that I'm even attempting a new post, despite that I don't have a whole lot to say in general. I guess I'll just have to make stuff up. Let's see...

Well, in regards to the odd subject title to this post, I've been reading a lot from an author named H.P. Lovecraft lately. He's lauded as the Poe of the 20th Century, and writes stories mostly along the horror/macabre lines. At any rate, I've really enjoyed everything I've read of his, and have been looking around to find more of his stuff that I haven't already read. One of the ideas that he writes about fairly consistently is that of a secret book that contains all sorts of terrible, unworldly things called the Necronomicon (some of you might possibly remember it from Evil Dead and it's sequels). At any rate, I found the Necronomicon on eBay last night, as well as a bunch of other "grimoires" as they're called, which are basically books of magic written in Medieval times. I found a copy of one of these books, called The Greater Key of Solomon, online, and it contained all these instructions on how to cast spells, or summon demons or something or other. At any rate, I read a bit of it and found it very intriguing when considered in the context of the Bible, seeing as it (the Bible) readily mentions spiritists consulting the dead, and spells and so on and so forth. None of this is the point, however, as the point was the subject of this post. That comes from the fact that when I went to bed shortly after reading these snippets I was in that state of consciousness somewhere between sleep and awake and I thought that I was somehow casting these spells, and I was kind of caught in this dream loop (which I've had before) and couldn't stop doing it. At one point I sat up in bed and started saying these weird words that in my mind wouldn't be at all connected with a magic spell so as to try to, umm, "break the cycle" as it were, and I ended up saying random things like "buffalo, elephant" and whatever other innocuous things I could think of, and then I started combining words like the one in the subject title. The point being that I was thinking about this today and I just laughed and wished I could remember what it was I was actually saying because it would have just sounded absolutely ridiculous. Were I married and therefore there was someone else in bed with me they undoubtedly would have thought I was crazy.

Hmm, so that probably makes me sound entirely insane, but whatever. I have a very active dream-life (as some of my friends can attest to), and a lot of weird things happen when I'm sleeping. I actually wrote a song about some of these things called "Ocean or a Lakeshore" that'll be on our new album when it comes out. Speaking of which, if anyone wants to hear the single off the new record you can hear it here: http://www.mintrecs.com/bands/bella/giveitanight/.

Lot's of stuff coming up for the band, but right now it's all waiting, as usual. I have a feeling, though, that I'm going to look back at this waiting and savour it because things are going to happen so fast once they get started. Who knows?

Other than that, well, I don't feel like typing any more, so I'll just say that I'm listening to Matt's CD and it's making me miss home. I want to be on the praries! Thunderstorms and wind in the trees and the sky at night and the smell of the fields and the hot girls in the mall and my best and closest friends (although we all seem to be scattering a bit these days). I had a sweet day of computer gaming with my friend Geoff today and then we went to the Cambie and drank beer and ate a heck of a lot of fried food. That was really good. And then Jesse came over and we looked at his model photos and laughed a bit. I'm going to have a smoke now and maybe go to bed, although I really need to do the dishes.



At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm going to go have a smoke..."
You sound like such a bad-ass :)
Glad to hear things are going well in your world.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Ruth Ann said...

Bad-ass, indeed, especially if you actually BUY the Necronomicon . . .


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