Monday, February 26, 2007

Dare I Believe It?

Well good golly, I almost don't believe it: I'm at home, and I'm making a blog entry! Will wonders never cease? This stupid thing never logs me in at home. Now if only I had something to say...

Well, first things first, I guess. Hello and thank you to the people that have heard about/congratulated me on Bella signing to Mint, and for those of you who haven't heard, Bella signed to Mint Records (The New Pornographers, The Organ, Immaculate Machine, etc.) on the 16th of this month. Boy is it nice to have actually signed that contract. Mint had been showing at least some interest in us for probably a year and a half and in November we actually got together with a couple guys from the label officially to talk shop, drink beer and eat food (on them). They sent us into a local recording studio to do a demo (the same studio we'll probably end up recording the full length at), and it turned out really well. Since then it's been all lawyers and waiting, until last Friday when the call finally came that the finalized version of the contract was at the office and we could actually sign it. Whoo hoo! I think we were all pretty stoked about the whole concept of signing to Mint when we first got together with them those few months ago, but the ensuing, uhh, legal battle, as it were, kind of drained the life right out of the whole thing. When I actually got the email from Tiff that the contract was ready, however, something stirred in me and some of that excitement returned. Now it's just a matter of us getting our act together in time to record, which is looking like sometime around the end of March. And then we'll see where it goes from there. Tiff wants to be touring Europe by August, but we'll see what happens. If it were left in my hands, well, none of this would have happened at all, so who knows, right?

Speaking of which, I was suddenly inspired this evening and ended up writing what could be considered the chorus of a new song. It's kind of like a prayer I guess, and goes along the lines of: "Lord, help me help myself, cos no one will do it for me". I'd been playing some of the other songs I've written and feeling good about it, yet bad about it at the same time, thinking "These songs need to be heard", yet feeling like that might never happen. Which is funny, considering that, in the previous paragraph, I just detailed the signing of the band I'm in to a record label. There is a difference, though, between what I write normally and what I write in Bella, and what I write obviously came first. I'd really like to do something with it someday. Lord help me help myself.

Other than that, well, I missed the opportunity to post my "charts" from last week, so heck, just because it amuses me, I'll post this week's and last week's. And then you'll all know how cool I am *cough cough*. Whatever, I think it's cool. It's my blog anyway.


Autiomatic's Profile Page

P.S. I couldn't actually figure out how to post last week's standings, so you're off the hook... this time. And oh yeah, earlier today I just saw the end of the video for the song I posted at the top. Menh.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bad day?

Alright folks, I need to make this one quick because I'm at work, but I've been slaving away at a project here and it's getting me down (not to mention that I'm extremely tired), so I figured I needed a break. This always cheers me up:

(The 17 year old girls I supervise think I'm crazy and that I grew up on acid, but what do they know?)

Ahh jyeah.

Here's a bit more food for thought:

So anyway, I've been meaning to make a real post, but for some reason my computer at home freezes up when I try logging in, so you're stuck with this nonsense. But it made you smile, didn't it?

Monday, February 12, 2007

My Next Obsession

Well folks, I'm officially back online (albeit a lot slower than before). Perhaps it's just because I'm a mindless pawn when it comes to marketing and I've been seeing a lot of adds for Telus High Speed lately, but I decided around this time last week to reconnect my Internet. It was connected on Friday and I already have a new obsession. I disconnected last time to rid myself of the evil that is Myspace. Thankfully this new obsession is a positive one (at least thus far), and I highly recommend all y'all to try it. It's called Let me demonstrate:

Autiomatic's Profile Page

It's a site that basically tracks what you listen to on your computer and then creates these charts and recommendations and so on and so forth based on it. You can also add friends (so if you do decide to sign up, look me up under "Autiomatic") and see what they're listening to, what recommendations they make, etc. Maybe a bit voyeuristic, but for somebody like me I'm just loving it.

So, in other related news, I also renewed my subscription with, which has turned out to be an exceedingly good thing. For those of you who aren't familiar with emusic, it's a legal downloading site that caters to the obscure, indie-type-rock that I'm a fan of. For instance, you can download almost the entire Belle & Sebastian catalog, Spoon, Yo La Tengo, The New Pornographers, etc etc. Currently they have a promotion going on that you'll get 100 free downloads to see if you like the site. If not, you can back out and keep the downloads, if so, they have three download plans that are cheap and convenient. Geeze, I sound like I work for them. Anyways, I got my 100 downloads (plus the 30 I pay for with my subscription), and must say that I am pretty stoked on my finds. The majority of what's in my chart were actually from emusic.

This brings me to my next topic. Please, if you value music, check out Camera Obscura. Gorgeous, gorgeous music in the vein of Belle & Sebastian. Oh baby. Coincidentally, they're actually playing here on Tuesday, but I'm working, of course. Oh well, I'd like to see them, but I also don't want to ruin the mystique like when I saw Yo La Tengo a couple years back. They're one of my favourite bands, but witnessing actual people playing some of my favourite music nearly ruined it for me. That probably doesn't sound like it makes sense, but trust me, in my mind it does.

Anyways, I think that's about it for now. I'll leave you with this:



P.S. - If you decide to check out Camera Obscura further, try some of these tracks: Keep It Clean, I Need All the Help I Can Get, If Looks Could Kill, Suspended From Class. So good!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

None to speak of

So here I am at work, on what would be my "Friday" night, as it were, and the time just won't go by fast enough. I'm coming down off of the triple-shot espresso drink the coffee bar guy made me and there's absolutely nothing to do. I've got two hockey games on tape to watch when I get home, and then sleep sleep sleep until my body wakes me up tomorrow. This week has consisted of very little sleep and I can feel it.

Hey, if anybody knows how to post pictures on here (Matt, that'd be you), can you let me know? I know I've been told before, but I never remember.

So anyways, here's something to think about:
