Sunday, November 23, 2008

Giant Naked Cactus People

So I figure I need to get this dream I had last night down now before I forget anymore specifics than I already have.

The dream started with me sitting in Mr. Bartel's English class, although it may have been the classroom next to Mr. B's actual room, but whatever. At any rate, I can remember several high school classmates in the dream, including Erin Robb, Jamie Horban, Chandra Gerich, Simon, Matt and Brendan.

We had just been given some sort of essay assignment from Mr. Bartel, but I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to write my name at the top. I obviously had the name part right, but there was some other title I was supposed to put on there which I couldn't figure out, and I didn't know whether or not to put on the date, etc etc. In the end the class ended and I hadn't written anything. Turns out we had two classes to work on it, though, so I hoped I'd be ok. I'd just have to look at someone else's to see what the proper heading was supposed to be.

After this class we took off on some sort of field trip which took us out to a steel-girder train bridge, kind of like that old one next to the Borden bridge. I'm not entirely sure why we were checking this bridge out, but that's beside the point.

As we got up on the bridge I noticed that there were two cacti growing in the river below us, both of which were kind of leaning in one direction as though the wind had blown them that way. Other than that, they were fine cactus specimens, and bore the same shape as the logo from Taco Time, although in realistic cactus fashion.

I found it kind of odd that there were cacti growing in the river, but didn't think too much more of it until a little while later when everyone else seemed to have mysteriously disappeared and I turned to see that the cacti had grown ridiculously large so that they towered over the bridge and that they appeared to be dancing with each other in the river. Somehow one of the cacti turned into a giant naked woman (probably the best part of the dream) who was dancing with the other giant cactus, and actually kissing it, which looked really painful because she was essentially kissing a bunch of it's thorns, or spikes, or whatever you call those things. The giant naked lady continued to dance with and kiss the giant cactus, except that it then turned into a giant naked man (not as cool). They kind of had a sort of "Adam & Eve of the giant transforming cactus people" thing about them.

Once the dude appeared they seemed to notice me on the bridge and attempted to communicate with me. I don't know that we actually spoke any words, but moreso kind of pantomimed, as though we didn't speak each other's language (which we may not have, considering they were once cacti). At some point the guy disappeared and the lady, much to my chagrin, put on some clothes. The lady then picked up this little(giant to me) dog to show me her pet, and I had to cover my ears because it's bark was so loud.

After this I headed back to school, feeling like I'd made some special bond with the cactus people. I planned to return, but ended up telling Ana (my ex-boss at work here) about it, so she wanted to come. For some reason her mom found out too, so she decided she should come as well, which I wasn't as excited about.

Nevertheless, the three of us headed back out to this bridge to re-visit my new cactus friends, but as soon as Ana's mom saw them she freaked out and wanted to leave immediately. I think she was going to tell either the teachers at school, or the police, to have something done about them, and at this point I woke up.

I fell back asleep after that and had another dream where I was in Tokyo trying to figure out their subway system so that I could make it to the stadium to watch a hockey game, but the subway was really complicated and I couldn't read Japanese.

What does it all mean?


At 9:39 PM, Blogger Ruth Ann said...

I'm still laughing.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Jesse Owen said...

The male cactus is you, the other Ana. You're afraid if she gets too close she might get hurt, or perhaps even you will. If her mom finds out, she'll drop the bomb.

Make sense?


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