Saturday, November 01, 2008

Dreams - November 1st

I've been thinking for a while that since I don't normally write in here, and since I tend to have really bizarre dreams quite frequently and usually remember them, that I should start writing those down in here instead. I had a couple last night that are still relatively fresh in my mind, so I'll start with those, and then try a quick recap of the latest several that I can still remember.

Last night I dreamt that I was at a lake somewhere (I think it was supposed to be in Northern Saskatchewan, or at least around P.A.), and I wanted to go see my Grandma, who apparently lived at some sort of camp on the other side of the lake. The weird thing was that the lake was a bit like Venice, in that it went directly into the city in a canal-y sort of way.

Anyways, I ended up seeing someone I knew with a boat (I think it was Yvette, our publicist from Mint) and managed to convince her to take me to see my Grandma, although she was reluctant. She was running some sort of errands on the lake, so I had to wait while she did those, but at one of her stops I saw another person I knew, this girl named Marcia that I used to work with at HMV. Yvette and I weren't entirely sure how to get to Grandma's house, but Marcia knew, so she climbed aboard and we were on our way. The boat we were riding in was quite small and just had an outboard motor, and as we approached the other side of the lake we had to pass through thick boggy parts that were full of fallen logs, so I was worried that the motor might break. We managed to make our way through, though, and landed on the opposite shore, or ended up in what was more or less a gymnasium. I said my goodbyes to my pilot and guide and headed over to Grandma's house, which was on the grounds of what could have been a summer camp (which I seem to remember from a different dream).

Grandma wasn't at home (as she died a couple years back, although that doesn't always seem to matter in my dreams), but instead I ran into Kerry, the widow of my cousin who died when I was in college. I think she was there with here fiancee Wayne, but I can't be sure. For some reason she decided that we should all get tattoos, and there just happened to be a tattooist right there. I was a bit hesitant at first because I've always thought I'd be too wimpy to get one, but eventually acquiesced. I asked the tattooist for examples of what I could get and settled on a panther head to go on the left side of my stomach. For the remainder of my dream I would keep looking down at my tattoo and think what a stupid choice I'd made, especially since I've always thought that if I got a tattoo I'd get my clan crest on my inner forearm . At no point in the dream could I actually remember the tattooing process, though, and therefore didn't think it must have hurt all that much.

The rest of the dream consisted of me trying to find a way back to Dalmeny from this camp and discovering that the only bus that could take me from my current location would leave the next morning, which was troublesome because I wanted to leave that night. One may have left from Prince Albert, but that was too far away to walk to.

As far as I can remember, I think I woke up at this point, but when I fell back asleep I think I kind of resumed the dream, having made it to Dalmeny. I can't remember specifics about Dalmeny, only a few images, but I remember being in our garage with Jordan Buzinsky, but he was a little kid. There were a bunch of toys piled up in the garage and we were kind of playing with them. I think it was Dalmeny Days, but it seemed to be in winter, and there was another image of a bunch of cars lined up around Centennial Park, waiting to get in, and these little kids(one of which I believe was Doug Daum's boy) were playing around this semi that was idling there and their dad (Karen Dirks' husband, can't remember his name) was yelling at them frantically to get away so they didn't get run over.

This somehow turned into another boating episode with myself and two or three others in this rowboat in what seemed to be a flooded field, kind of like the one behind town by Aaron's house. I think it was me and three girls, one of which was Hailey Friesen. We rowboated to this little island of trees in the middle of the field, did something on the island and then got back into the boat. It kind of seemed like myself and one of girls were some sort of guides for the other two, younger girls (including Hailey). As we boated away I became apprehensive that we weren't going to make it because the girls were rocking the boat and it was taking on water. Eventually we managed to sink it, but thankfully the water wasn't very deep, so we didn't have to swim. We got back in the boat and continued on and I began noticing that we were pushing through ice and that the water was freezing cold (I should mention that our method or propulsion was grabbing sticks and shrubs in front of us to pull us forward, although this became increasingly difficult as there was less and less foliage in front of us to grab on to). The boat started sinking again, and again we had to get out, and I was amazed that the water wasn't as cold as I had expected, although when I looked down it appeared that I was standing on the ice, maybe ankle deep in the water. At this point I lifted Hailey and the other girl back into the boat, although for some reasong they'd become very small and could basically sit in the palm of my hand, so I had no problem holding them and the boat in one hand as I waited for the other guide to get back in.

And as far as I can recall, that's when I woke up. What does it all mean? You got me. But I'm kind of surprised by the random cast of characters involved now that I've written it all out. Weird. I'll do another post with a quickie on the last few from previous nights that I can still remember.


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