Monday, August 29, 2005

Love is a Myth

Well, Emily and I broke up. And here's what I don't get - what the heck? Seriously, I don't understand it for a moment. I can hypothesize, I mean, it's not the right time, she's too young, yadda yadda. But, seriously, what the heck? This whole thing would be a lot easier if I was making stuff up about her being the most amazing girl I'd ever met, but, dang, no. I was being serious. I don't know.

What I do know, though, is that even were I still with her, she couldn't be what I need. Having a girlfriend isn't going to fulfill me, or so it seems. I don't know, I seriously just don't get it. God, where are You?

Well, if nothing else, I'm at least writing songs again. I actually wrote two today already. I can't say as they're the happiest things I've ever written, but at least I'm writing. That's something to be thankful for.

Yeah, life really, really sucks sometimes.

(Post Script - Dang, reading this post is really kind of funny/sad after I just reviewed the entry before it. Ouch. Boy is my face red (I am actually laughing as I write this, kind of an "lol" moment, if you know what I mean). Seriously, what's up with life, anyway? It'd be cool if it made sense.)

Sunday, August 14, 2005

1 Corinthians 13

Love. Where does it begin? Where does it end? How far will it go? How far is too far?

Since meeting Emily (I'm sorry that all my recent posts seem to be about her), I've learned a heck of a lot about love. I've learned what a joy it is. I've also learned what a struggle it can be, as well as that it truly is a choice. It's not always easy. Is it worth it? My answer would be yes, even if there are no guarantees. That's my choice. Call me romantic, call me foolish, call me what you will, but it's my choice.

Life is hard, yet sweet. Kind of like suckers.

Friday, August 05, 2005


How do you know God's hand in your life? Does He write on the wall? Does He soak a sheepskin? Or do you just know, undeniably, by the intricacy of His well laid plans?

Take, for instance, my involvement with this band called Bella. First of all, I always swore I'd never go to either Briercrest or Bethany because that's where everyone else from town went, as well as to Kadesh or Redberry, and I never subscribed to that (although I did go to Redberry one year, so I suppose that evens out that I went to Briercrest). But, of course, when I finally got my act together and decided what it was that I wanted to do, it turned out Briercrest was the most convenient location for me to pursue it at. And what the heck was Tiff doing there, being as she's from California? And what were the chances that she and I would have such similar aspirations, not to mention musical taste? How is it that the music we make together is so unique, and (in a sense) relatively effortless? We see other bands that have worked their butts off for years to get to the point we're at. I don't say this at all to be egotistical. I certainly didn't set any of this up, and I'm floored at how things have turned out, and excited to see where they're going. God designed the band I'm in, and that's a pretty rad statement to be able to make.

The funny thing is, (and I know this probably sounds like a stretch), but it's how I feel about meeting Emily, too. What were the odds that she'd come in looking for that particular Doves CD when it was actually the same copy that she'd ordered earlier and opted not to buy, as well as having passed it over several times before. What were the odds that I would have been on a Doves kick at that same time, especially after being first told about them two years prior and not paying any attention? How is it that I actually worked up the nerve to ask her to go out with me sometime when I've never before done that with a stranger, despite that I'd only a few weeks prior been encouraged by my friends to do so with a different girl that came into work a few times and seemed interested (and cute). How did I know that Emily was different? How is it that she turned out to be a Christian, when I didn't know her at all and it's next to impossible to find any Christians here, let alone stunningly attractive ones with impeccable taste in music, movies and literature? How can she be just that perfect mix of geek/cool? How is it that we share similar dreams, similar interests, and a similar view on life? How is it that for once in my life I've met someone that either, A)I'm as crazy about them as they are about me (ok, ok, I know how that sounds, but I'm sure you know what I mean), or B) They're as crazy about me as I am about them. I swear that has NEVER happened to me before. Am I making this up? It seems like the same thing to me.

So how does it all fit together? You'd think God's plan would correspond with itself, wouldn't you? Am I saying that Emily and I are destined to be together? Ha, well, the romantic part of my soul would like to think so. It certainly seems we were made for each other. God knows, I guess. I sure wish He'd fill me in.