Monday, June 27, 2005

Y'all come back now, yuh hear?

I'm feeling alt-country tonight. I just re-purchased Neil Young's "Harvest Moon" yesterday, and it has my soul pining from some more steel guitar influenced stuff. I thought perhaps I'd check out Linda Ronstadt, seeing as she sings back up on a lot of his music, but from what I heard, it's not quite what I'm looking for. I think I might indulge in the new Great Lake Swimmers album, as well as perhaps a Wilco album or two. Maybe a Crosby, Stills Nash & Young offering also? We'll see what the store has in store tomorrow (hyuk hyuk).

I don't know, I guess I'm just really gearing up for my trip home on the 5th, and I must admit that growing up on the praries has caused some part of my soul to resonate with a bit of a country flair. Something about it (uhh, country, I guess, if you want to call it that) reminds me of home, and right now, that's exactly what I want to be reminded of. The impossibly huge sky, the wind in the grass (due to the lack of trees... ha ha), the moon and it's blue-cast shadows. Dang, I'm really looking forward to getting home. I'm also really looking forward to bringing Emily and having her see the rest of who I am for it. By that I mean that it's odd to me how the people who have met me since I moved here know me, since so much of who I am is wrapped up in where I'm from, and they really know nothing about it. They only know me as the product of my experiences, but don't really understand the experiences themselves. I'm excited for her to experience these things first hand and hopefully get a better idea of where I'm coming from (both literally and metaphorically). Shall be good, I reckon.

Went to the girls' place and watched ourselves on MuchMusic tonight (about 5 times, as we taped it). Funny and weird. I look like an alien or something cos I was leaning into the camera and my head was really big because of it. Man, seriously, it's really weird to watch myself on TV. Whodathunkit? Well, I guess perhaps I would have, or, I suppose, dreamed it. Nice to see those dreams being realized. Life is a weird, weird thing.

Emily's grad is on Thursday, which should be fun, if not a little odd for the fact that I'll probably be one of the oldest people there (wearing a kilt, no less). Oh well, I'm looking forward to it, and Tiff gave me a nice new haircut and beard trim in preparation. Hooray!

And with that I suppose I should get to bed. I've been working these strange 5:00 PM - 1:30 AM shifts at work lately, but I don't mind them. I've never been too uncomfortable staying up at night, plus the fact that we're closed for half my shift is a bonus. No ridiculous customers! (And again I say, hooray!) Good night all (who the heck reads this, anyway? Hi Simon and Brendan!).


At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wo ... an update!! about time, man!!

glad to hear that good things are happening in your life, my friend!


linsay martens

At 11:04 PM, Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

Hey I read this Cam, and I saw the thing on Going Coastal and I also noticed you leaning into the camera. It was funny, I thought it was kind of a Cam thing to do.

At 3:26 PM, Blogger steph said...

yeah i didnt get a chance to see it. im sad i missed it.

Hooray neil young! i love that cd

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Jenna said...

hey cam i read this as well and thats awesome that you were on much music

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Linoleum said...

i read too cam :)


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