Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dreams Coming True Much?

Oh baby, I'm so excited I can hardly type. We're (Bella) going in to record at JC/DC Studio at the end of next week to record the new album, and we'd talked about asking Jason Martin from Starflyer 59 to do a guitar track on one of the songs. Well, I just emailed him this afternoon and he's gotten back to me already. This is what he had to say:

"Cool man thanks...I would be happy to play on your
song. If you could send me an mp3 that would be great.

I AM SO STOKED!!! My dreams are coming true, and I'm not even 25 yet! First we were able to get Ronnie to do a Joy Electric remix, and now Jason is going to play on one of our songs. This means I'll have more or less, umm, collaborated with my two biggest musical heros! Aww man!

In other news, I think I'm allergic to Tofu. And now for this week's charts!

Autiomatic's Profile Page


Thursday, March 15, 2007


Alright, not a lot to say (well, maybe there is but I don't feel like it at the moment...), but I just had to put this up. Brilliant! Oh, and some chartage for good measure.


Autiomatic's Profile Page

Thursday, March 01, 2007

What's Wrong With Me?


I've decided that if I'm going to be incorporating these little music clips into my blog it would make sense to place them at the beginning of the post so that people can listen to them as they read. That having been said, I just wanted to put a "Parental Advisory" of sorts that today's selection contains some choice language, being of the "gangsta rap" variety. If you're game, press play. If you want to spare yourself the pain of either listening to various racial slurs/derogtory (that was surprisingly difficult to spell - perhaps because it's 3:30AM?) remarks towards women/various other blue language, or just listening to gangsta rap, don't bother. And for the record, I don't know why but I find the music I've been putting up here recently pretty funny. If you want to know what I really listen to, check out my weekly "charts". Oh, and this particular song was the result of a bet I made after work tonight and, technically, I think it's a draw. She said it was by Fat Joe, and I said it was someone else, being Terror Squad, although it "features" Fat Joe, as we all know very well that a rap group can't perform solely on their own for some reason.

***End Disclaimer***

Anyways, the whole point of this is me wondering why it is that it takes until 3:30 in the morning for me to suddenly become inspired and want to get all creative and stuff. Maybe it's the amount of time from when I get home from work until now that serves as a sort of buffer between the mind-numbing mundanity of my everyday life and the creative entity that exists somewhere in my psyche. Or maybe it's just Murphy's Law that I suddenly get all worked up when I need to go to bed in order to get up for another day of mind-numbing mundanity. Either way, it's terribly inconvenient.

Oh, and for some reason I've been lusting after "things" lately, so I figured I'd try to expend some of that pent up lust by talking about it here. Maybe it's because I just did my taxes and, taxman willing, I should be getting a fair refund this year (which should really be directed towards crushing whatever amounts I have on my credit cards under my heel and putting the rest in savings for whatever craziness might ensue this year).

Anyways, on to the lusting (the gangsta rap seems oh-so-appropriate now):

Probably first and foremost on the list is a White Apple Macbook Core 2 Duo. And a MOTU Traveler. This would cover a few basic, umm, "needs". A new computer (the four crappy old ones just aren't cutting the high tech mustard), a mobile recording device (when coupled with the Traveler), and a shiny new gadget. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. And I could take it on tour with me. Although I don't know if I actually would for fear of it getting lost, stolen, damaged, or all of the above. But anyways, there it is.

Secondly, and probably more realistically, a Sony digital camera (can't think of the exact model right now). This I would definitely take on tour, and would basically buy it for that reason. How many chances does a person get to do this kind of stuff? Gotta have something to show the grandkids someday, right? And it would be so convenient to have a nice little Macbook to transfer my tour photos to. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Umm, and thirdly, I guess, would be a Mazda 3 Sport. Yeah, well, one can always dream, right? Actually, I wouldn't actually want this right now as it would undoubtedly be broken into/stolen where I live right now, and it's a royal pain in the grass to try to park around here. I guess I'll save this one for when I own a house with hardwood floors and an old upright piano in the corner. And a dog that can play said piano.

Anywho, reality beckons and I really must get to bed. Gotta get up relatively early (11AM maybe?) to go buy my bus pass for March and withdraw my rent money. February is such a gyp when it comes to rent. I mean, can it really even be considered a month? It's like the Pluto of months. Shouldn't we get half off or something?

Anyways, that's about it for right now. Hopefully I'll remember the next rap song I intend to put up here in my next post. It's a classic.
