Monday, January 31, 2005


Yeah, the subject of this one doesn't have much to do with anything other than that I thought that's what Emily said last night when we drove by some building that had a word on it. I don't remember what the word actually was, but apparently a coif is some sort of cap that old English lawyers or nuns wore. Interesting, yes no?

Well, anyway, I suppose I have a lot I could say, but at this point I have more important things to do (such as sleep - it's been a weekend of late nights, as all good weekends should be). Nevertheless, I did encounter something this evening as I was driving home from dropping the girls off that I would like to share with the world (or perhaps just remember for future reference).

I saw one of the coolest coincidental phenomenons (phenomena?) I've ever seen this evening. I was driving down 1st in Vancouver and on the other side of the street were two cars travelling side by side, each with one headlight burned out. Because of the situation of the burned out headlights on either car it gave the impression of the two being one really wide car, as the lights on the outsides were lit and the ones on the insides were out. I hope that makes sense. Is it of any consequence? No. Was it extremely cool to see something like that? Absolutely.

Oh, and hi to Simon and Brendan. How it is you happened upon my blog I'm not sure, but thanks for the comments. I'm glad you can dig our stuff. Matt and I are still holding out for a Warren Peace reunion, perhaps under a different title. Someday, I swear...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I'm broken. No, seriously, my nut has cracked (not that nut, you perv). I am honestly malfunctioning, and I don't know what the heck to do about it. I feel like a junkie looking for his next fix. Mine happens to be late night deliveries turned pyjama parties.

Remember what I was saying about flannel pyjamas and bare feet being one of the sexiest things ever? Remember how I was talking about the significance of tea? Yeah, go figure.

Lord help me. I don't think I can go on like this.